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Overcome Negative Thoughts

Overcome Negative Thoughts

Hey, do you look at other online businesses and think, ah, they are just lucky or I wish I would have started my business when they did? Well, friend, that is really just a thought and it's you that makes it work in your business.

Repeat Negative Thoughts

Let me guess you have that repeating thought going in your head saying, Oh, well, they're just luckier than I am. Or maybe you have that repeat negative thought, if I would have started when they did, I would be just as successful.

Here’s the interesting part, that’s just a thought, that is just something that you are telling yourself about your online business and achieving success.

What can you do to overcome negative thoughts?

Let’s go ahead and look at some of the things that you can do when you come up against that repeat negative thought, and what to do to overcome it.

Here’s the big secret, it's you. I know crazy right, here’s the thing in the long run it is you that putting in the work to make your online business successful. Friend, you put in the work, and you make it successful.

What does that take? It's simple. It takes persistent effort.

That's the importance of taking action in your business.

But not any action it's taking the right action at the right time. You must be wondering, what's the right action at the right time?

The answer? Now. Right now is the right time. How do you figure out the right action?

Overcome Negative Thoughts

Right Action

The solution is simple you can figure out what is the right action by taking a look at what it is that you want to achieve. 

You have the goal, work backward breaking that down into little tiny actions that you can do every single day. 

When you work backward think what is the last thing that will happen before you achieve this goal? What is the action right before the last action? And so on. 

It just takes that small consistent action every single day, in order to be able to move forward with it. 

Now, this is important, this small action is proving to your brain that you can do, that proof, in turn, overcomes negative thoughts.

You keep you stuck

At some point, you have to take the leap of faith and you have to believe in yourself that you can actually do what it is that you want to achieve. 

I know what you’re thinking, you need some reassurance. Here’s how to do it yourself remember a time in the past when you did something that you didn't think that you could do, but you took action and did it. 

Okay. Do you have that thought in your mind?  Great, now step into that person you were at that time. Feel what you felt, hear the words of encouragement you gave to yourself. 

Do you remember all the feelings? How did you view it at that time? Stick with me now what did you need to become to get over that mindset and that obstacle you're facing? 

Remember specifically. 

That's what you need to do right now, at this time as well. This is proof that you are the one that makes it work in your business.

What’s the difference?

One of the things that I do for myself.

When I find myself you know, doing that comparison thing, or I'm not good enough or imposter system syndrome, whatever you call it.

What is the difference? Take a step back, what’s the difference between that entrepreneur and you?

What is the difference between their business and your business?

What’s that business owner doing that you may not be doing in your business?

I have a feeling that it could come down to this. They just started. They had the belief that they could do it.

That online business owner they are taking action. But what if, instead of staying in negative thought you actually put in 1% effort every single day to make it work.

That’s the magic, that's all you need to do.

You see my point, right? To move forward do that 1% of work every single day to make it work in your online business.

I hope that you found this was beneficial and encouraging.

If you have any questions, go ahead and leave me a comment. I look forward to seeing you next week.


Little Side Note

When you find yourself in a negative thought pattern, pull out your journal and figure out why you're feeling that way. What were you doing that made you feel this way?

✁ Just a Snippet 

Here is just a snippet of the important points, you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪

  • Do you look at other online businesses and think aww they are just lucky or I wish I would have started when they did. That's just your thoughts, it's YOU friend you're the one that makes it work.
  • It’s not about luck
  • You Make It Work
  • You Make it Successful
  • It’s about the persistent effort
  • That’s the importance of taking action in your online business
  • It’s not about the right timing
  • It's about small consistent actions
  • At some point, you have to take the leap of faith
  • What is the difference between you and the business owner that you admire?
  • They started. They had the belief they can do it. They put in the 1% every day to make it work.
What Is Your Disorganization Costing Your Business

What Is Your Disorganization Costing Your Business

You must be wondering what is digital file disorganization really costing your business? Here’s something we both can agree on how frustrating and time-consuming it is looking for digital files without a file structure or consistent naming conventions.

You know that you have that digital file saves somewhere from the early years in business.

But where the heck did you put that electric file? Racking your brain for what you would have named it, where you save it even. Searching on as many random keywords as you can think of in an attempt to find the document in various different cloud storage spaces.

Is this you? If so, you’re not alone. I see this repeatedly in online businesses.

The problem is in the early years of your business when you’re penny-pinching and band-aiding things together instead of buying more file storage space, you’d sign up for another free account? Genius right? One less monthly expense, yay you frugal business owner.

Now you’re finding out that maybe wasn’t such a great idea. All that searching and disorganization is costing your business valuable time and money.

Simple Action One: Basic File Structure

Now, this is important all files fall under a basic file structure for the different pillars in your business. Disorganization of files is stressful, you may not think so but your mind does.

These are examples of the different pillars that you have in an online business.


Everything and anything that has to do with marketing your business are inside this folder. Here are a few examples of folders that you’ll find nestled in my marketing folder on Google Drive.

  • Content Bank: (AKA Content Library) includes subfolders for images, swipe files, blog post copy, social media copy, newsletter copy
  • Freebie/Opt-ins/Lead Magnets
  • Branding
  • Website
  • Affiliate
  • Funnels


You guessed it anything that has to do with prospects and sales.

  • New Client Paperwork
  • Prospecting Spreadsheet (if you’re not using a CRM)
  • Discovery Call Notes
Disorganization Costing Your Business


All your client folders and information. Individual folders are set up for each client.

While folders that are share may have a people icon, that may not always be the case. Here is a little trick I use, for any folder that is shared, I add [Share] to the name and change the folder color to pink. You of course can pick any color you’d like. (:


These are all the backend files for your company. The folder under here will be:

  • Personal/Business Development
  • Finance/Accounting – this could also be a root folder
  • All your standard operating procedures


This is the place to find all the course information and the freebie that has been downloaded.

Simple Action Two: Naming Structure

Oh My Goodness, this is one that I R.E.G.R.E.T.!

I think you’ll agree with me when I say downloading freebies from the internet without a good descriptive file name turns out to be a hot mess.

Because apparently, Friend it’s difficult to type a descriptive name to the file the first time.

Geez, it drove me nuts all the inconsistent nondescript file names.

Simple Action Three: Clear out the old files

Do you keep everything just in case? The solution is simple to create archive folders for those old outdated files that you may need to reference in the future.

If you’re not sure if you’ll need to reference a document in the future. Simplify move it into the archive folder.

Keep them forever, or if you need to free up space this is a great place to start.

Suck it up Buttercup and just get it done

Disorganization is sneaky and causes chaos when you least expect it. Whether this is done by you or a contractor to organize your virtual back office, just get it done.

If you don’t believe me. Start tracking the time that you or your team member spend looking for files. Over time this will add up to more than just investing in getting it done.

And if you listen kinda like my teenagers, I’ll say it this way. I’m serious you need to suck it up and get it done.


Little Side Note

What more on Google Drive organization? 

Megan Minns has a fantastic blog post you can read How to Organize Your Business Files Using Google Drive. 

✁ Just a Snippet

Here is just a snippet of the important points, you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪

  • Here are three simple actions to organize your digital files.
  • Create a file structure with a folder for the main pillars of your business
  • Develop a consistent naming structure that works for your business
  • Clear out the old files by moving them to an archive folder or to the trash
  • In the words of Nike Just Do It – clean up the files it will save you time, money, and energy in the future.
What is the Management Trap for Online Business Owners?

What is the Management Trap for Online Business Owners?

In order to grow and scale your online business, it is essential to hire. And yes, it's important to delegate. With a well-run team, all things are possible.

BUT there is something that many online business owners aren't prepared for when they start hiring.

Do you want to know what that is?

What most business owners don’t realize, they are getting themselves into the management trap.

Of course, right. Because the first thing that happens when you hire somebody is you have to manage that person.

Let's first dig in and define what management actually is.

  • Management is about planning – taking a goal and turning it into an actionable plan
  • Management is about people – ensuring the right folks are on the team to execute on the plan
  • Management is about process – finding the best way to get the work done
  • Management is about progress – seeing the plan through to completion and getting stuff done!

It's the role of a manager to make sure the right things get done, in the right way, at the right time, and by the right people.

In the earlier days of your online business journey – before you hire – the management part is pretty easy because we only have one person to manage – yourself.

I’m sure you’re with me on this one for the most part it’s super simple to only manage yourself.

Management Trap for Online Businesses

As you grow, and you hire new people … then you have those people that you need to manage on your team.

You must be wondering, is it worth it? Absolutely! Bring on a team that's a great part of growing a business. No more going it alone as a business owner, the right team members have your back and will be with you through thick and thin.

Your Team Requires

The essential things for a well-run virtual team of contractors are communication, clarity, support, and accountability.

You need to communicate about what is going on in the business. They need clarity around their role and what they are doing. They need support to ensure they have all they need to do their best work. They need accountability to get things done right and on time.

Project management

In addition to managing the people, you also have to manage projects. You’ll need to create systems and structures. You need strategic planning to keep everything on track.

Here’s the bottom line, the bigger the business becomes, the more there is to manage.

The question is – who is doing the managing?

There is a ‘rude awakening' moment with many of the early to mid-6-figure coaches and course creators that I work with.

You hire, thinking that will free up your time and you will be able to FINALLY focus on your revenue, your income, your impact, and the things you really want to do in your business.

Only to find that instead your days are now filled with:

  • Checking in with the team to make sure stuff is getting done
  • Thinking constantly about what is coming up
  • Wondering if you have the right people on the team or not?
  • Answering team questions
  • Trying to figure out the best way to get things done
  • Dealing with the ‘odds and ends' that come up in the day to day running of the business

This is my friend is the management trap.

Is this you? Are you in the management trap with your online business?

The management trap is a rude awakening for many Digital CEOs because a) they didn't realize how much work management actually is and b) they aren't very good at it!

The problem is they find it tiring, frustrating, and draining. Can you relate? Is the management of your business taking up so much of your precious time?

The management of your online business is taking up so much of your time that you can't actually focus on growing your business and doing what you do best.

When you don't purposely hire someone to help here then management will fall on YOUR shoulders. Which may not be the best thing for you, your team, or your business.

As a Certified OBM, I can take management off your shoulders – let’s talk. Apply Here! 

What Is An Online Business Manager

Little Side Note

Curious about an Online Business Manager? Read this post. 

✁ Just a Snippet 

Here is just a snippet of the important points, you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪

  • What most business owners don’t realize, they are getting themselves into the management trap.
  • In the earlier days of your online business journey – before you hire – the management part is pretty easy because we only have one person to manage – yourself.
  • I’m sure you’re with me on this one for the most part it’s super simple to only manage yourself.
  • The essential things for a well-run virtual team of contractors are communication, clarity, support, and accountability.
  • There is a ‘rude awakening' moment with many of the early to mid-6-figure coaches and course creators that I work with
  • There is a ‘rude awakening' moment with many of the early to mid-6-figure coaches and course creators that I work with
  • The management of your online business is taking up so much of your time that you can't actually focus on growing your business and doing what you do best.