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Three Tips How to Stop Second-Guessing Decisions

Three Tips How to Stop Second-Guessing Decisions

Do you ever find yourself second-guessing decisions that you've made in your online business?

Hmm, I'm not sure if you have, but I know I have totally been in that boat before second-guessing a decision that I spent a great deal of time actually making in the first place.

When you second guess your decision, or you doubt the decision that you've made in the past, it tells your brain that you're not good at making decisions.

Here are three tips when you find yourself second-guessing decisions.

Tip One – That’s not true

Tip number one, when the thought of second-guessing decision pops into your mind, simply tell yourself, it's not true, and begin to list off the evidence as to why it's not true.

Why was it a good decision to begin with?

Second-guessing for me comes up around software applications. I have a true passion for jumping in and figuring out new and different software.

This is where I really see that second-guessing of my decision-making comes up.

If I hear of different software that an online business is using and loves. The thoughts begin to circle in my brain, questioning my decision if the new and shiny software would be better than the current software that I’m using.

What I do is step back and look at why I made the decision, to begin with, because I genuinely do not take any decision lightly.

I research everything before I make any big buying decisions or any type of big decisions for my business.

Instead of going down the rabbit hole of overthinking and second-guessing, I simply pause and reflect as to why this second-guessing is coming up.

Tell my overthinking brain, that’s not true, and remind myself the decision was made for a reason and with care.

Three Tips How to Stop Second Guessing Decisions

Tip Two – What’s the trigger?

Tip number two is to figure out what triggered the thought for why you're second-guessing your decision.

This is some really good feedback on your decision strategy.

Did you hear somebody else talking about it?

Well, if your decision-making strategy includes hearing people talk about or getting trusted recommendations for purchases, it might spark your decision strategy to come up in your brain.

Begin to question why you’ve started down the path of second-guessing your decision.

What triggered you to begin to question your previous decision?

But here’s the thing in the world of NLP, there's never a failure, there's only feedback.

Let’s look at that feedback to figure out what triggers the second-guessing of your decision-making.

Tip Three is to give yourself grace

Well first off at that moment, it was the best decision for you and your online business.

Well, you need to realize that all the back and forth of second-guessing your decision keep you stuck in the past instead of living in the present and being the best business owner that you are right now.

Now, this is important you must believe in your decision-making ability as a business owner.

The problem is the constantly second-guessing decisions is actually not believing in the fact that you can make good decisions and good choices as an online business owner.

We both know that’s not true. Give yourself grace, you're capable of making good decisions.

And on top of that, all the second-guessing is wasting your time and energy.

Here’s what I mean second-guessing your decisions only adds to decision fatigue.

I’ve talked about it before, our brains can only handle so much in a given day. Second-guessing decisions adds to your decision fatigue.

Stopping that, give yourself grace with your decision-making ability.

I'm going to leave you with my mantra for the year: Business is easy when I take messy, imperfect action.

When I find myself second-guessing a decision that I made for my business I tell myself that’s not true. Ask what’s triggering this right now. Give myself grace, because business is easy when I take messy imperfect action.

I encourage you to believe in yourself. Be confident in your decision-making abilities because I know you're doing the best you can for your online business.


Little Side Note

Want a little bit more on second-guessing yourself? Here is a YouTube video from Lisa Nichols: Why You Should Stop Second-Guessing Yourself

✁ Just a Snippet ​

Here is just a snippet of the important points, you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪

  • Stop yourself when you second guess your decisions
  • When you second guess or doubt your decisions it tells ours brains that we aren't good at decision making
  • Tip 1 – When this pops up, simply tell yourself that's not true and begin to list the evidence that's it's not true
  • Instead of going down the rabbit hole of overthinking and second-guessing, I simply pause and reflect as to why this second-guessing is coming up.
  • Tip 2 – Figure out what triggered the thought on why you’re questioning the decision. This is the best feedback.
  • In the NLP world, it is never a failure always feedback.
  • Use this feedback to figure out what triggers second-guessing your decisions.
  • Tip 3 – Give yourself Grace – at that moment, it was the best decision for you and your online business.
  • Second-guessing keeps us stuck in the past, instead of living in the present and being the best person right now.
  • Believe in your decision-making abilities.
  • Leave you with my mantra: Business is easy when I take messy imperfect action
Online Entrepreneur Stop Switching Your Offer

Online Entrepreneur Stop Switching Your Offer

What do you do when something is not working in your online business? For example, let's say you have a launch on a new course that you've created or a done-for-you service that you offer, and it's not doing as well as you’d like, you're completely hearing crickets. Now, this is important. I'm going to tell you to stop switching your offer when something doesn't work for you, the first time.

For the love, Stop Switching Your Offer

Stop switching your offer when it doesn't work the first time, instead take that feedback and use it to launch the offer better than next time.
Stick with me here, because we only become good at something when we keep trying, tweaking, and offer it over and over again. While taking that feedback from the launch and improving upon it.

Figure Out Why

Now, I know what you’re thinking, it's not working, absolutely no one was interested in your offer, it will be much easier to start all over again.

That’s not true stop switching your offer. After each launch, you should debrief and look at the feedback and tweak it to generate interest.

I’m guessing you took care in selecting your offer in the beginning. You’re offering a course or service that you love right?

Launching something new can be a challenge, don’t give up after one attempt because you're going to become better and better and better every single time you launch your offer.

This is not groundbreaking we become good at things, and an expert at things that we keep doing over and over and over again.

It all boils down to this stop switching your offer. That will be even more confusing to your audience.

Stop Switching Your Offer

Believe it or not

Do you still not believe me? Well, you need to think about this, our natural instinct is to keep trying, even when it doesn't feel like it works the first time.

Here's a prime example for any parents out there.

Think back to when your children were babies, and they were starting to walk and talk did they get it the first time? No!

But, here’s the thing they kept trying, they didn't stop, they kept trying until they actually mastered walking and talking.

And that’s what I mean that tells us that our natural instinct is to keep trying, even when it doesn't work the first time.

Only a few

I’d like to point out it is only in a few situations that I would say, Oh, hold on sister, maybe you need to stop that.

Those are the situation that could be physically harming you, emotionally, or mentally, that would be the only situation where I would tell you to stop.

In Online Business

Here is the thing in your online business when it doesn't work the first time around, that is just feedback that you can use to make it better than next time around.

So at your next launch, you will know that you need to do X, Y, and Z instead of A, B, and C.

I’ll say it again you only become an expert when you keep doing it, meaning stop switching your offer.

When you take your launch debrief information and use that feedback you will do even better than next time.

Your Desire

Let me point out that desire to switch or to stop. That's your brain trying to pull you back into comfort.

What most people don’t realize when you're pushing yourself outside your comfort zone you do not feel safe, it’s scary and your brain is going to keep you safe every single time.

But that's okay because the more and more you do it, the better and better you'll get the more comfortable and the safer and safer you'll feel as you're launching your offer.

Today, I encourage you to stop switching and keep on with your offer and take that feedback and make it better.

Stop Switching Your Offer

✁ Just a Snippet

Here is just a snippet of the important points, you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪

  • Stop switching your offer when something didn't work for you the first time.
  • We only become good at something when we keep trying to do it and improve upon it
  • Our natural instinct IS to keep trying even when it doesn't work the first time.
    Here is something I'd like you to think about. Does a baby give up on walking when they fall down the first time, no they keep trying until they master walking! That tells you our natural instinct is to keep trying even when it doesn't work the first time. Only in a few situations would I tell you to hold up on trying, that would be if it is harmful to you physically, emotional,ly or mentally to keep going then stop it. But, that's very different than
  • When it doesn't work the first time that's just feedback to use to make it better the next time around. We only become an expert when we keep doing and use the feedback to do it better the next time.
  • You may be switching because your brain is trying to pull you back to comfortable

How to reduce decision fatigue for online business owners

How to reduce decision fatigue for online business owners

All those tiny decisions that you’re making every day add up to cause decision fatigue. If you can relate to this business owner, here is how you win the daily battle to reduce decision fatigue.

Its lot

As a small business owner, one thing is undoubtedly true: making many decisions throughout the day. Am I right when I say lots of decisions?

The funny thing is you may not even notice that it at the beginning of your day, but one thing is sure, you're constantly making decisions.

How do you reduce decision fatigue?

What I want you to do is take a step back when a decision pops up.

Ask this simple question. Do I have to make this decision right now? What I mean, if you were to put off the decision until tomorrow, what would happen? If it would cause you a tremendous amount of extra stress and work. Go ahead and make the decision.

Now, this is important; if nothing significant is affected by putting off the decision until tomorrow, wait until tomorrow. Okay, easy, right? Maybe, maybe not.

The solution is simple if the answer is it can wait until tomorrow, put it on your decision log, or your decision parking lot, whatever you would like to call it.

Along with a due date

But wait, there’s more along with adding the decision to the log, also put a due date.

Let me break this down for you. This date should NOT be the nice to have due date but the absolute deadline, the hard deadline when things will start to explode in your online business due date.

Decision Blocking

You must be wondering why do we do this? 

When you capture all the decisions on a log, it gets all those decisions in one spot. 

This is the magic part, you can go through and make all the decisions at one time. 

You guessed it’s time blocking for decision-making. This is the key to reduce decision fatigue. 

Now, this is important your decision log may be electronic, on paper, in your planner, or a decision block on your calendar with all the decisions you need to make that day. 

Here’s the bottom line, it must fit into your work style for the decision log to be effective. 

Trigger Your Decision Log

If you’re anything like me, you’ll need a trigger to remind you of this new process. Here’s how you solve this put a little post-it note reminder on your computer monitor.

On the post-it write the specific question, Does this decision need to be made right now? 

The post-it and question become a trigger to your brain until the new process becomes a habit and you love your decision log. This simple process will reduce decision fatigue. 

Win The Daily Decision-Making Battle  

When you get into the habit of asking yourself, does this decision need to be made right now? 

When you put those decisions on your log and time block your decision for when your brain is freshest, that is when you win the daily decision-making battle and reduce decision fatigue.  

With a process for handling decisions as they pop up throughout the day, it allows space for creativity in your business. 

Is that something you’d like for your business? 

I hope that this was beneficial. I appreciate you and I hope you have a wonderful day


Little Side Note

Ready to go down a rabbit hole regarding Decision Fatigue? Let me help you, here is an article by James Clear How Willpower Works: How to Avoid Bad Decisions – You're Welcome (; 

✁ Just a Snippet

Here is just a snippet of the important points you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪

  • As a small business owner, one thing is certainly true, you are making a lot of decisions throughout the day.
  • Reduce decision fatigue by asking this one simple question. Do I have to make this decision right now?
  • The solution is simple if the answer is it can wait until tomorrow, put it on your decision log.
  • Assign a due date to the decision.
  • Start decision blocking to reduce decision fatigue, it's time blocking for your decision-making.
  • Trigger this new habit with a post-it note on your computer monitor.
  • When you put those decisions on your log and time block your decision for when your brain is freshest, that is when you win the daily decision-making battle and reduce decision fatigue.
Does even a simple decision feel hard? Hello Decision Fatigue.