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This is my Why

This is my Why

This Is My Why

This is my why! For some reason sharing my why with the world makes me feel a little uneasy. It took me a bit of time to put a finger on what was causing this uneasiness. I should have known, its what so many of us struggle with.

The fear. You know that terrible four letter word that can put us into procrastination.

Here it goesMy Why Photo

My name is Michele. Before anything else, I'm a wife and mother.  How I support my family is helping health, life and mindset coaches that have online coaching practices. You know your solopreneur trying to be everything to everyone. Those are the people I choose to serve.


Why serve them?

Caring for yourself isn't always easy and if you're new to this practice working with a coach will guide and support you through this discovery process. Helping these coaches with websites, email marketing or executive assistant work, allow them more time to serve others.

Before my journey began as a VA…

Prior to starting Miss Task, I worked for a corporation. Corporations are great, but I felt it was time for a change. I wanted to personally feel as if I was making an impact on my customers' lives. At the end of the day, it was rare that I had the feeling that I truly was making an impact.

What gives me this feeling of impact

Doing the very best job to my ability for each and every customer that I serve. To know that they trust that I'll do the job with loving kindness and as good if not better than they could do the task themselves.

I want to bring a little more joy and a little less stress.

I want to help to take those tasks that give my customers a little more time in the day to serve others. To be what they actually would like to be, a coach. Not a WordPress administrator, an email marketing genius or an email reading queen.

To share my knowledge and passion for software and organization. To be a trusted and reliable presence in the day-to-day grind. Because I know I can.


I would love for you to share your insight in the comments below!

Looking for Ideas to Outsource?

Here is my gift to you a little workbook to figure what tasks to outsource and free up your valuable time. Because your time is your most valuable business asset!

Believe in Setting Resolutions

Believe in Setting Resolutions

Believe in Setting Resolutions

Res·o·lu·tion defined by Google

Resolutions Defined

I believe in setting resolutions, I just am not 100% on board that they should only be set at the beginning of a new year.

Prior to setting the resolution the firm decision, as defined above, should be made to commit to the success of the resolution.

If you are not going to follow through what is the point of starting? If you start and quit, won't that leave us more disappointed in ourselves? If we have the radio station playing in our head “I never follow through on anything.” You'll predict your future. Our minds are just looking for ways to make us right. 

Mindset is the Key

Personally, I believe in setting resolutions when we are in the right frame of mind to go along with the resolution.

If you set a resolution you better be on board mentally. If your mindset is not ready for a life-changing commitment, will you actually be successful?

For me, I need to understand the why and be all in mentally. Otherwise, I will struggle to believe in setting the resolution and following through with the commitment.

Flossing is a Great Example

Flossing my teeth is a great example of a firm decision to do something. When I was younger flossing was not a daily habit.

Many years ago I set a New Year’s Resolution to start a daily habit of flossing. I understood the benefits and my why, it was for better overall gum health and of course to proudly answer “Yes” to the question if I floss daily.

I was successful because I believe in setting the resolution and was all in mentally to my life change and understood why I was committed to my New Year’s Resolution.

Why should we wait until the New Year to set resolutions?

Setting resolutions or goals to better ourselves can be done at any time. It doesn't need to be based on a calendar. Why not set resolutions to improve yourself during the year too?

When I made the firm decision to commit to exercise five days a week, this was not done as a New Year’s Resolution.

I committed to this healthy habit in the middle of the year. At first, this was not my favorite thing to do. I am not kidding, when I say it probably took five years before exercise became the highest priority on my daily task list.

It is unbelievable to me that at one point I would prioritize cleaning the house higher than exercise. However, that has changed as it is very rare that I dread my workout or do not work out six days a week.

Believe In Setting Resolutions

Here are a couple of items, I’ve made a firm decision to 

make a higher priority on my task list.

  • Write 30 minutes a day about anything, just write
  • Spending time in prayer with daily devotions.
  • A morning walk, even when it is freezing with our dogs before I start the day.

Do you believe in setting resolutions only at the New Year?


Here is another blog post on resolutions

Want to Succeed With Your Resolutions? Start Doing This.

Email a time drain?

Email a time drain?

Email a Time DrainEmail a Time Drain?

Does opening your email turn into a time drain? With so much of our communication revolving around email, it is easy to watch your time go down the drain as you work in your inbox. I completely understand as I too get into that situation.  I open my inbox and next thing I know I have lost two hours with little to nothing to show for my time.

Do you receive a large amount of promotional emails? Do you still want to receive these emails? Is the offerings from the company no longer valid to you? I understand as my children grow so do their interests.

Here are a few simple things that I have put in place, they may work for you too. is a service that lets you unsubscribe in on click to various emails! It also gives an option to have those emails rolled up into one email and sent in a group message for easy skimming in a central location.

Watch here for an explanation.

Cleaning and Organizing your Inbox

This one is a bit more time-consuming and overwhelming if not done correctly. Do you have folder and categories set up in your email? If not, you may want to consider creating folders for the items that you may need again.

Are you combining to fewer inboxes? Over time I have gathered four different email addresses. I have all of these combined into one email client. Giving me only one inbox to go through.

Instead of having my email open all day, I spend time morning, midday and evening going over email. Still, I will have days that I spend too much time with email. It just happens.

Dave Crenshaw is a great resource for email management ideas. He is an author, speaker and business coach. If you have a membership, he has a number of training courses that are worth watching. If you don't have a account no worries, he has a great blog too! Here is one on How to Detox your Overstuffed Email Inbox.

You can, and should, bring your email inbox to zero at least once per week. @DaveCrenshaw

I am working to bring my email inbox to zero as Dave encourages once per week. It may be only for a split second, but that split second feels wonderful! I wish for you to also feel this split second of joy. I hope these suggestions help with the email time drain. Good luck.