Do you ever feel like your business goals are just out of reach, muddied by the daily juggle of work and family? Let's bring them into clear focus. Discover how visual goal tracking is not just a method but a journey to achieving your deepest entrepreneurial dreams.
Getting distracted from our goals can be easy as we go about our daily lives and businesses. Visual goal tracking will help keep you focused and motivated, giving you the clarity needed to succeed. With the right tools, you can visualize your progress and stay on track with your goals.
Visual goal tracking is a powerful tool that allows you to see your progress and stay motivated. It's more than just ticking off a to-do list; it's about visualizing your path to success.
The Power of Visual Goal Tracking
For online entrepreneurs, goal setting is essential. It provides a roadmap for your business and helps you stay focused even with day-to-day distractions. Goals give you direction; they act like your compass to ensure you stay on course.
But it's not just about setting goals; it's about keeping them in your line of sight. Visual goal tracking makes this process engaging and interactive. If you’re looking for a refreshed way to achieve your goals, here are a few different tools for Visually Tracking Goals.
Method One: The Chalkboard Method
The Chalkboard Method from Being Boss was first introduced to me inside the Ashlyn Writes Course Primed to Launch. If you want to check out the course, I’ll save you the Google search. Here is the link to her sales page: https://primedtolaunch.com.
Ashlyn uses a chalkboard to visually see where she is at with her goals for the year. Ashlyn goes on to say that she first heard of this method herself from Being Boss.
Here is the link to the podcast that they break it down: https://beingboss.club/podcast/episode-79-chalkboard-method
Also, they have a PDF explaining it all in detail that you can download.
My Chalkboard Method
Since 2021, I’ve written my goals on the chalkboard in my office. This is on the other side of my desk so that I can always see it. It’s the first thing I see when I walk into the office. It is a constant reminder of what I working towards.
Do you have room for a whiteboard or chalkboard in your office? If not, you can purchase whiteboard or chalkboard vinyl with adhesive and apply it to your wall. That’s exactly what I have! I got it from Amazon for under $20. Super simple.
Method Two: Notion for Vision Boards and Goal Settings
Notion is a fantastic tool for visually setting and tracking your goals. Its simplicity and flexibility make it an ideal platform for creating vision boards and managing goals. All in one place.
Creating a Vision Board: Start by setting up a new page in Notion dedicated to your vision board. Here, you can visually map out your goals using images, inspiring quotes, and links to important resources. This visual representation serves as a constant reminder of your targets and intentions.
Setting Quarterly Goals: Break down your long-term goals into manageable, quarterly objectives. In Notion, allocate a section for each quarter and choose one primary goal to focus on. This approach helps maintain clarity and ensures you are not spreading your efforts too thinly.
Tracking Progress: Use Notion’s checklist and progress bar features to track your achievements. Regular updates to your goals and vision board are essential. They reflect your growing business strategy and personal growth as an entrepreneur.
Staying Motivated: Your Notion board is not just for planning but also for inspiration. It becomes a record of your journey, showcasing both your progress and the learning curve. On challenging days, this visual diary can motivate you, reminding you of how far you've come and what you're striving for.

Method Three: Visual Goal Tracking with Milanote
Are you an entrepreneur who loves organizing your ideas visually? Milanote is like a digital whiteboard that brings your goals to life. It’s a user-friendly tool that helps you see your business plans clearly and creatively.
Why Milanote Works for Entrepreneurs: Milanote's intuitive design is perfect for those who think in pictures and colors rather than lists and spreadsheets. It lets you create visual boards where you can pin ideas, goals, images, and to-do lists – all in one view. This makes it easier to see the big picture of your business journey.
Setting Up Your Goal Board: Start by creating a new board in Milanote specifically for your business goals. You can add sections for different aspects of your business, like marketing, product development, or personal growth. Within each section, pin notes, images, or web links representing your goals.
Organize and Prioritize: Milanote’s flexibility allows you to easily move ideas and goals around as your priorities change. This is especially helpful for busy entrepreneurs who need to adjust quickly. You can also use Milanote’s checklist feature to track your progress.
Visualizing Next Steps: Not only can you outline your goals, but you can also visually map out the steps to achieve them. Combine images and checklists to create a clear path for each goal. This visual approach helps break down complex goals into small, manageable action steps.
Milanote for Inspiration: Keep your motivation high by using Milanote as an inspiration board. Add quotes, success stories, and anything else that keeps you inspired. This way, Milanote becomes more than a planning tool; it’s a source of daily encouragement as you grow your business.

Business Mantra
Do you have a business mantra that keeps you motivated toward your goals? I’ve had the same one for years! It is “Business is easy when I take messy, imperfect action.” The idea came from a group coaching I’ve been part of in the past.
This mantra was a game-changer for me. because before, I started taking messy action. I found that I would spin my wheels. Trying to find that perfect topic, trying to find the perfect thing to write content on, trying to find the perfect, the perfect that didn't exist because I was never doing anything.
I was just keeping myself busy. Not taking the right action. But when I adopt this business mantra, I'm going to take messy, imperfect action. This changed everything for me. This is what helped me get consistent with my content creation. One simple mantra I could repeat is what helped me move ahead and jump ahead in my business. It helped me get out of that trap of perfectionism.
What business mantra do you need to create for yourself to keep you pushing towards your goals? When perfectionism, procrastination, and busyness get in your way.
Are You Committing to Your Goals?
Friends, I want to take you back in time with me. At the end of 2020, it was my first experience with visual goal tracking. On my chalkboard, I wrote down two commitments that I wanted to achieve in my business in the first quarter of 2021. I wrote them on the chalkboard in my office so that I could visually see these goals every day. Do you know what else? My family could also see what I was working toward achieving. I don’t know about you, but I think it is very beneficial for children to see their parents working on goals and achieving them.
I had two visual goals I was tracking. The first was to complete my Yes Supply Coaching Certification. I had been working through this certification for over a year and was determined to finish it in the first quarter. I did this. I received my certification in the first quarter of 2021.
My second one. Woo. That one was challenging for me because it came with a bunch of mind drama. Lucky for me, I was getting a ton of free coaching from the other members of the Yes Supply Coaching Certification. It was a win-win.
The second goal I was working towards was to Pick and stick – Everything gets easier with consistency = weekly YouTube Videos. This is exactly how it was written on my chalkboard.
I achieved this goal as well. I began creating and publishing YouTube videos at the end of 2020, and I did this consistently every week until the end of the first quarter of 2023. It was frankly tough for me to break this commitment. But in the end, I had to decide where my priorities were, with my family and my clients, or sticking to my commitment to making videos.
I had too many other things in my business, and I was struggling to be able to get them all done. I was really on the brink of burnout. I needed to make the best decision for myself and for my family. Do I continue going with the YouTube videos, or if I should pivot at that point into a podcast?
Obviously, I pivoted to a podcast because you're listening to that right now. And it was the best decision that I could make for myself.
My number two commitment was very hard. Okay, it was hard because that is what I told myself. We believe what we tell ourselves. Our brains will look for every excuse in the book not to do something outside our comfort zone.
Do you want to know how I overcame my struggles? Embracing it is not hard; I just needed to reframe my mindset around creating content. Letting go of the worries of what people would think.
Being able to believe that my sweat and tears from growing my business can help someone else who may be facing similar challenges. I had to admit to myself that I was holding myself back because of imposter syndrome and fear. I focused too much on myself, not on who I wanted to serve. In my selfishness, I robbed others from realizing they were not alone. I've been there, too, I understand. It doesn't matter if you are writing a blog post, recording a podcast, or finally making your video debut. This is where you, too, can embrace the mantra that changed my content strategy: Business is easy when I take messy, imperfect action.
Committing to your goals is hard. Taking action is hard. But do you know what else is hard? Beating yourself up because you’re in the same place year after year in your business. Or maybe you dream of starting a business and never commit to taking the next steps. Was it hard to commit to creating consistent content week after week. I’m guessing you know the answer.
In order to stay true to my word, I had to follow through with my commitment. I had to do it anyway. I had to work through putting my content out into the world; even though everything in me was screaming, it was not good enough. Even if it’s not good enough, I did it anyway. Do you know what happens when you show up every week consistently? The whole thing gets easier. Okay, friend, I’m stepping off my soap box now.
It’s time to wrap this up.
The whole point of my soap box was that I had my goals front and center. I visually had them in front of me every single day. I could see when I was falling short when I was allowing my fear and my imposter syndrome to get in the way. That’s the beautiful thing about visual goal tracking: you have the compass pointing you in the right direction. Whatever you want to achieve, you can do it. I believe in you.
Thank you so much for reading. I appreciate you. And I hope you have a wonderful week.
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