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Simplify your podcast production with a workflow in Asana

Are you struggling to stay consistent with publishing your podcast? Do everyday distractions get in the way? One trick that I'd like you to try out is implementing a podcasting workflow. Although it may sound complex, a workflow, in its simplicity, is the series of actions you take from start to finish.

Podcasting takes more than just hitting ‘record' and hoping for the best. Ever found yourself in a tangle because you skipped a step or two? You're not alone. Having a workflow in place can help prevent this from happening. It can also streamline the process and make it more efficient. A workflow makes managing your workload easier because you’re no longer guessing what to do when you sit down at your desk.

Here is How I Know

Hey there, fellow podcaster, I'm Michele. I'm right there with you, juggling the ins and outs of an online business. And let's be real, the ‘winging it' approach to content? It's a one-way ticket to burnout. I've been there and done that, trust me, it's awful. It took almost a year to bounce back and start creating content for my business. I can tell you from experience it did not do me any favors when it came to the growth of my business. I know, right?

Let's talk about saving your sanity (and your schedule) with something I wish I had from the start: a streamlined podcasting workflow in project management software like Asana, Trello, or MeisterTask.

It's like having a map to guide you from point A to point Z. Without it, you’ll likely take the long way around. A workflow for your podcast ensures you never miss a turn (or an episode) again. Ready to get your podcast process polished? Please say yes.

So, you're set to polish your podcast process with an effective workflow, but there's more to it than just efficiency. It's about safeguarding your most valuable asset—your creative spark. How do you do that? Let's avoid burnout.

Avoiding Burnout in Content Creation

Let’s face it: the grind of content creation can be relentless, but it's essential if you want the freedom that goes along with running an online business. Your content is what signals to the right people, “Here I am, ready to assist you.” This is your invitation to the people you help, why you want to help, and how you can help them.

Here’s the bottom line: if you’re burnt out from creating core content for your business, it will have a ripple effect on your lead generation. 

That's why I'm so passionate about workflows.

Your business can run more efficiently by creating repeatable, organized core content that can be easily created. Not having to make decisions every day in your business about what to do next with your content helps you avoid burnout from content creation. One simple step is to create a podcasting workflow.

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What is a Podcast Workflow?

A podcast workflow is the series of steps you follow to take an episode from idea to publication. This includes planning, recording, editing, production and promotion.

Having a defined workflow reduces mistakes, backtracking, and frustration. It also frees up time for other important tasks by increasing efficiency.

Here are the main benefits of creating a podcast workflow:

  • Stay organized from episode ideation to promotion
  • Save time by avoiding last-minute scrambles
  • Reduce mistakes that require rework
  • Work more efficiently by following a process
  • Free up time for high-value tasks like promotion

What are the actual steps in your podcast creation process?

You might not have them mapped out in a project management tool yet, but I bet you follow some sort of process, even if it's not written down. And if you're finding gaps or having to double back, that's a telltale sign that it's time to get it down on paper—or, better yet, into a digital workflow.

David Allen nailed it when he said, “Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them.”

So, why not take a moment right now? Let's lay out the steps, clear and simple, and start shaping your podcasting workflow.

Here are 5 steps to streamline your podcast workflow:

1. Plan Ahead with a Content Calendar

Planning is key to an efficient podcast workflow. Decide on topics and potential guests at least a few weeks or, ideally, a month in advance. When selecting your episodes, ensure they align with your promotional or launch calendar.
If you do not have an idea bank to pull episode topics from, schedule a time when you’re the most creative to brainstorm upcoming topics.

Once you have an exhaustive list of ideas, create a content calendar that maps out episodes for the next three months. This will allow you to see your publication schedule at a glance.

Create a bare-bones outline of each episode's key points and discussion topics while it is fresh in your mind. I don’t know about you, but if I only write down an episode idea without a bit of context when it comes time to record, I’ll struggle to come up with talking points.

When I have a few points from when the idea pops into my head, this will help keep my squirrels in line during recording.

Planning ahead ensures you always have upcoming episodes lined up and ready to record. No more last-minute scrambles to put a show together. When you have a plan, it is simpler to be consistent with podcasting.

2. Schedule Interviews Seamlessly

Booking and coordinating with guests takes time and effort. Make it easier on yourself with a few key tools.

Use a scheduling tool like Calendly to share your availability. This allows guests to pick a time that works for their schedule.

As another option, if you’re on a budget, TinyCal is a simple calendar with a pay once and get lifetime access. For only $27, it is a pretty sweet deal.

Once you have a date set, send a confirmation with the must-know information.  This includes the meeting link, topics to be discussed, and any questions you'll ask. This allows guests to prepare and deliver a better interview.

Are you able to block schedule interviews? This is a game-changer with your consistency. By block booking multiple guests on one day, this is more efficient than spacing out recordings.

Smooth interview scheduling ensures effective communication without the back-and-forth emails and calls.

Oh, one more thing: make sure to tell your guests if they need to be camera-ready. If you intend to upload the interview to YouTube, inform your guest beforehand.

3. Record and Edit Efficiently

It takes work to record episodes with clear audio and minimal mistakes. But you can develop an efficient process. Alert yourself quickly by adding editing signals. An editing signal, maybe you clap your hands. 

My go-to editing signal is a long pause. It allows me to gather my thoughts and try again. My Content VA is on the lookout for these pauses. This is a signal to her that editing is needed.

Use an outline during the episode to keep you on track and ensure that you hit all your points. 

Block record multiple episodes on one day when possible. This allows you to reuse the setup and be in “recording mode” for an extended period.

Use editing software like Descript to polish the audio by removing filler words and mistakes. Its transcript feature also makes it easy to locate and edit specific sections. 

Edit efficiently by prerecording intros, outros, and promotions. These can simply be added in for each episode.

Efficient recording and editing removes the need for extensive post-production. Your episodes will sound polished and professional.

4. Optimize Production

The final production process is when your episode truly comes together. Don't skip optimizing this step.

Add an intro and outro audio bed to brand your episodes and tease upcoming shows. Develop templates that make this fast and consistent.

Include episode details like the title, description, guest info, and more as metadata. This helps listeners find your show.

Write compelling show notes that include time stamps, quotes, links, and resources mentioned. These notes become great material for social media.

Add relevant images to posts of the episode that make it visually engaging. Canva has templates for podcast graphics, quotes, and more.

Optimized production makes your podcast shine. Don't leave this as an afterthought.

5. Promote New Episodes

You put in the work to create an excellent episode. Make sure it finds its audience.

Share new episodes on social channels that you hang out on the most. Use one piece of content and break it up into multiple posts. Add that into your caption bank, allowing you to pull content in the future to promote an older episode.  Ensure that you post multiple times as well as on your Stories.

Send an email blast to your list with each new episode announcement. Include a link to the episode along with a short description.

Reach out personally to influencers and others in your industry who would be interested in the topic. Ask them to check out the episode.

Repurpose content from the episode into a blog post or video to maximize its impact.

Promoting your podcast widely helps attract new listeners. Don't keep it a secret!

The right workflow keeps your podcast production on track without wasted effort or stress. Now, you can consistently create excellent shows while growing your audience.

Once you have your main steps, it’s time to enter into a project management software.

Creating Your Podcasting Workflow

Now, let’s walk through building your podcast workflow in a project management system if you’ve not selected a project management software yet. Check out episode 29, What is the best project management software, or the link to the blog post in the show notes. 

  1. Create a new project called “Podcast Workflow”
  2. Make columns or sections. 
    1. Here are titled ideas for you: Ideas, Planning, Booking, Recording, Editing, Production and Promotion. These represent the key stages. 
    2. Here are my column or section titles: Podcast Process, Ideas, Planned, In Progress, Published, Promotion, Metrics, Done
  3. Build one task template that can be duplicated. 
    1. Name it something like TEMPLATE- Ep 000-Topic
    2. Create an action item for each task in your Podcasting Workflow
    3. Include Promotion tasks like Social Media and Email.

Duplicate the template each time you start a new episode. Adjust dates and details as needed.

Mark tasks to Done as you complete each stage of production.

Review the board to see upcoming episodes and deadlines.

This workflow will make your podcast creation process smooth, organized, and efficient. You’ll gain back time to focus on reaching more listeners.

Book a mini-session if you'd like my template for a podcasting workflow and help select your project management software. It’s at the lowest price, it will be just $97.

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For my DYIers: Here are the steps to set up the project in Asana.

  • Once in Asana, click on the plus icon at the top right of the page. 
  • Click the button and select projects. Perfect! You’re doing so well. 
  • Select Create a blank Project and move on to the next item
  • Name your project; it can either be podcast workflow or [Your Podcast Name] Workflow
  • If you want a description, go ahead and add that in the description section
    • Ideas for the description section. Links to all the resources for your podcast. 
      • The podcast link
      • Link to your show notes

How do you prefer to look at your work? All in a list view or a kanban or board view. Personally, I like the board view so that I can drag and drop the cards as I move them along the process. 

Making it public will allow you to create projects, share them, and delegate them easily when you have team members.

Make a Few Columns

Rename the first column Idea Bank, all those ideas for podcast episodes.

Make sure that you have a weekly or monthly time block to get all those ideas out of your brain and into your system. 

Not every one of your ideas needs to be a podcast, but if you're chatting with somebody and they say something that triggers you, you're like, Oh My Goodness, that's such a great idea for a podcast. Now you have a home for these ideas, no more random pieces of paper that you don’t know what you scribbled on. Or worst yet, trying to remember where you wrote it down at that’s the worst time suck of all, searching for lost ideas.

Plan, Record, Edit, Production, Distribution, Promote, and Repurpose would be great column headers. 

Create a Podcasting Template That Can Be Duplicated

In our Ideas column, we are going to create our template. This will hold the process of all the tasks that need to happen from start to finish. 

Create a podcasting template that can be duplicated or copied to ensure you’re not leaving anything out in the workflow. 

Under the first column titled Ideas, you’ll have two cards. 

One card is named Idea Bank, and the second card is named [[Template]]

How to create a podcast template: 


What are the tasks that would come after the plan in your podcast workflow?

To get you started: 

  • Research
  • Outline – The outline template can be created in a Google Document and linked straight from Asana. 
  • Guests: Under this section, you’ll want to have a link to your form and canned response that includes a link to your scheduling software to book a podcast time. 

Send a link to a scheduling tool such as Calendly or TinyCal to avoid the back and forth.

Another note is to block schedule and pick one day to do either two or three podcast recordings.

  • Record:
  • Scheduled Guest: 
  • Editing:
    • Edit the audio
    • Add Intro
    • Add Outro
    • Don’t forget the call to action! 

Use an application such as Descript to edit, create the transcript, and turn it into a blog post.

  • Create all the graphics from templates saved in Canva. 


Finalizing the audio files


Show Notes


Publishing the episode on a podcast-hosting platform


Let's put in the different platforms that you promote your podcast to your ideal clients.

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • LinkedIn
  • TikTok

This is a pretty good start to the podcasting workflow, make this your own by adding in all the specifics for your podcast. 

Be certain to include the links to everything in your template. 

With your podcasting template. This can be duplicated for each episode topic. 

  • To duplicate a card, open it up and go to the three dots in a line icon in the right-hand corner. This will drop a list of more tasks and select duplicate tasks. 
  • You’ll want to ensure a standard naming conversion for your project cards. Such as Ep003: Podcast Title.

This template can be used and adjusted as needed with your workflow. 

When you’re ready to begin working on the episode, assign the task to yourself or a team member, along with a due date. 

When you log into Asana in the morning, you’ll know what needs to get done that day to stay on track. 

So, there you have an overview of how I would create a podcasting workflow in Asana. 

A clear and organized podcasting workflow can help ensure that the production process runs smoothly and efficiently and help you consistently produce high-quality content.


It’s Time To Wrap This Up

Creating a consistent, high-quality podcast takes work. But you don’t have to do it in a disorganized, chaotic way. 

Implementing a streamlined podcast workflow using project management software is a game-changer. You’ll stop wasting time on unnecessary tasks and backtracking from mistakes.

With a trusted system in place, you can work confidently through each episode. You’ll no longer dread the recording and editing process. Or wonder what steps you’re forgetting. 

Production of podcasts will become simple, dare I say, even enjoyable. You'll gain new satisfaction from watching your workflow progress from idea to publication.

Most importantly, a solid workflow prevents creator burnout. It protects your energy and inspiration from depletion. 

You can now focus on reaching more listeners and growing your podcast. While spending less time stressed and overwhelmed.

So don’t wait! Map out those podcast production steps today. Get your workflow set up in Asana, Trello, or your project management platform of choice. 

Then watch with delight as your podcast process becomes smoother than ever before. You’ve got this!

Thank you so much for your time. I appreciate you, and I hope you have a wonderful week.

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