Planning for the year ahead as an online entrepreneur
Wow, another new year is upon us, are you planning for the year ahead as an online entrepreneur?
You may resist planning in your business because the thought of it feels difficult. Friend, with even an outline of where you’d like to go and what you’d like to accomplish it, will keep you from feeling insanely busy EVERY single day.
I’m sure you’ve heard if you don’t know where you’re going how will you know when you get there. This holds true in business as well.
You’ll always have people and things that will pull you around in your business.
But, you put together a plan it will create the focus you need to move ahead. Cause I know you do not want to be in this same place next year.
Reflecting on the things that worked, areas of improvement and dropping what you need to walk away from.
What was really successful this past year? What did you achieve?
What didn’t go as smoothly as you hoped this past year? What challenges did you face and overcome or not overcome?
What pulled your attention away from your goal?
What were the numbers?
Gather all the status of your business. How many followers you have on your social media accounts.
What was your profit, expense, income, clients?
You’ll want to make sure that you’re measuring your progress.
What is the vision for the next year?
What’s the vision for your business?
Do you have an idea of where you want to be in three years? Come on, it’s time to write down the vision you have for business, where are you going?
From your three-year vision, what can you do in the upcoming year to move in that direction?
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Let Me Guide You Through An Annual Plan
Firstly, pull out the calendar and figure out the actual number of working days you’ll have in the quarter. What days do you plan to take time off for vacation, rest or leisure?
Block those days off in your calendar now.
Secondly, grab your notebook it’s time to create an exhausting list of all the projects that you want to accomplish in the next year. When I say exhausted, I mean get it all out even those crazy ideas. No project is too small or simple for the list. Write down everything that pops into your head, without any judgment.
What projects are in aligned with your vision
With your exhausted list of ideas, which projects do you feel is the most aligned with the vision and mission of your online business. Next, go on and cross off anything on your list that is unaligned or doesn’t bring a sense of joy.
Then, circle all the ideas that you feel are aligned with the vision of your online business and rank each of the tasks by importance to you and your ideal clients. This will aid in where you need to start.
Each quarter will be assigned three projects to achieve! Basically, one per month. Start with the projects that have the most impact on the growth of your online business or is the quickest path to cash. Either highlight the three tasks for Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 with a different color or note the Q in front of the task.
Mindmap the Quarters
My favorite way to create a plan is, to begin with, a mindmap. I’ve talked about mindmap previously in the post if you’d like to read it.
In the center of a new sheet of paper pick one of the ideas from your list. This is how you start your mindmap.
Circle your idea in the center of your page and begin to create lines off of this idea with all the items that need to take place in order to bring it to completion. Then create small accomplishable tasks off of items that need to be completed.
For example, if one project in the next quarter is to create a new opt-in. You’ll need a landing page for one of the items. What are the small accomplishable daily tasks to create a landing page? Here are a few ideas.
- Find images
- Write Copy
- Create Wireframe
What else do you need to do?
Little Side Note
If you’re planning to create a new offering this should be your single focus for the one whole quarter.
Get it scheduled
If you have a project management system you can set this all up inside, so that you know what to do when. If not, a paper calendar or Bullet Journal will work just fine.
At the top, write out your online business mission, vision, and goals for the first quarter. Under this breaks it into three columns. One for each project.
Looking at your list if you had to pick just one project what would it be?
Start with that one.
Under the Project Header
Now we are going to put in all the tasks that need to be completed by who and when. Will you need any resources, such as a new software application, to complete the task?
Not all the tasks must be completed by you. It’s very important that you stay in your lane and delegate out the tasks that can be done by someone else.
Stop believing that old story that you're not someone that likes to plan.
Do you have a recurring pattern of starting and stopping when you feel unsure, frustrated, and incapable of doing the things you want to do?
90-Day Plans Are Important Because:
You figure out beforehand what needs to be done. No more deciding as you go.
You confidently step into the leader and CEO of your business.
It creates a clear plan, vision, and goals for your business. No more second-guessing yourself.
Download The Planning Workbook Today!