I know what it is like to be caught up in overthinking. The last time I checked, overthinking about all the things that bring us joy and happiness doesn’t cause stress and overwhelm. Nope, our stress and overwhelm come from overthinking our future, past, and all the things we think could go wrong. All the junk that we have little to no control over.
Made Up Disaster
It’s funny our minds are always on red alert, looking for all the things that could go wrong. You may have guessed, our minds are continuously searching for different ways to keep us safe from the made-up disaster that we create in our own heads.
I think you’ll agree with me when I say we overthink because we are spending time thinking about the past or the future and not this present moment.
Tell me, Friend, is this very moment scary? Nope, let me guess you’re not overwhelmed at this very second either. Funny how that works.

2 AM Thinking
I wonder if you can relate to my favorite overthinking that happens in my mind. All those past conversations that I need to rehash in my brain. Why did I say that I should have said this, or I forgot to mention that.
Talk about a big waste of time.
Let me walk you through how I handle it; this just happened to me the other night at 2 AM!
My mind started repeating a conversation I had the day before. Once I noticed what was happening, I told my brain to hold up, Michele; you are in the past, nothing you can do about it now, just let it go. When it resurfaced a bit later, I simply said Michele, let it go.
How about you?
Really, here’s the thing what are the chances of the exact conversation coming up again? Well, unless you’re chatting with a two-year-old, then the possibility of repeat conversations doesn’t come up.
How to overcome your overthinking
Here are suggestions on how to overcome your overthinking.
Find a go-to mantra or prayer when you notice you are beginning to overthink a situation.
An example could be: I’m not sure what will happen next, and that’s okay. I’ll find a solution when the time is right.
Pull out your journal and break down what is causing you to spin into overthinking. Our overthinking is just thoughts. Our thoughts create our action or, worst, our inaction. Put all that overthinking on paper and keep writing until you are off the spinning wheel of overthinking.
What if you’re not able to journal? No problem, simply pause and kindly tell your brain, thank you for keeping me safe, but that’s just a thought. I need not worry or overthink.
Laugh about it! Let out a laugh when you notice that your thoughts are running away from you.
Flip the script; what are you grateful for? Tell your mind that you are so thankful for preparing for disaster. But right now, we will focus on the good in our lives. We will be grateful for all we have and not worry about the rest.
Try these out, and let me know if they work for you!
Little Side Note
The problem is, all our overthinking causes overwhelm and dissatisfaction in our lives. Honestly, can you think of a time when overthinking filled you with joy and happiness?
I didn’t think so.
✁ Just a Snippet
Here is just a snippet of the important points you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪
The last time I checked, overthinking about all the things that bring us joy and happiness doesn’t cause stress and overwhelm.
You may have guessed, our minds are continuously searching for different ways to keep us safe from the made-up disaster that we create in our own heads.
Once I noticed what was happening, I told my brain to hold up, Michele; you are in the past, nothing you can do about it now, just let it go.
The problem is, all our overthinking causes overwhelm and dissatisfaction in our lives.
No problem, simply pause and kindly tell your brain, thank you for keeping me safe, but that’s just a thought. I need not worry or overthink.
Private Coaching
Why do I believe in the power of private coaching?
Because it is truly life-changing. When your coach asks you that mind-blowing question that suddenly allows you to see what you've been missing all along that was literally right in front of your face.
You just need someone with a different perspective to help you see it.
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