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In the fast-paced world of online entrepreneurship, content creation is key. But what happens when your content becomes scattered and unorganized? Chaos ensues. Let me ask, friend if you understand the common problems entrepreneurs face when their content is unorganized. Oh no, do you run the risk of poorly named and saved content that may never see the light of day? Fear not, though, as I’ll provide three simple tips for managing your content using a basic system with Google Sheets and Google Drive. And yes, I’ll explain why starting a content management system early on is crucial, even before you hire your first virtual assistant. Let's get organized!

The Struggles of Unorganized Content:

When your content is unorganized, you face a multitude of challenges. Unorganized content can be a nightmare to manage. Imagine spending hours searching for that brilliant blog post you wrote months ago, only to give up in frustration.

It leads to wasted time searching for files, missed opportunities to repurpose valuable content, and a general feeling of chaos.


When everything is scattered across different folders, devices, or platforms, it becomes challenging to locate what you need when you need it. Recognizing the impact of disorganization is the first step toward creating a system that brings order and efficiency to your content management process.

Unorganized content hinders your ability to repurpose and maximize its potential value.

You could be missing out on opportunities to reach a wider audience and increase your online presence.

Don't let disorganized content hold you back any longer.


Three Simple Tips for a Management Content System Using a Basic Approach:

Creating a content management process doesn't have to be complicated. Here are three simple tips utilizing a basic system with Google Sheets and Google Drive:

Tip 1: Establish a File Structure: Start by creating a well-organized file structure in Google Drive. Create folders for each content type, such as blog posts, videos, or social media graphics. Within each folder, further, categorize by topic or date. This structure will provide a clear hierarchy and make content retrieval a breeze.

Think about broad categories that align with your business, such as “Blog,” “Social Media,” or “Content Planning.” Within each category, establish subfolders for specific topics or campaigns.

This structure will provide a clear roadmap for effortlessly organizing and locating your content. Episode 4 is digital content organization, and Episode 2 is content file organization. I’d love for you to give those two a listen.

Tip 2: Utilize a Google Sheet for Tracking: Create a Google Sheet acting as your content inventory. Include columns for content titles, descriptions, keywords, publication status, and links to the corresponding files. This sheet will serve as your central dashboard, allowing you to locate and track your content assets quickly.

Tip 3: Implement a Consistent Naming Convention: I may be speaking to the choir, but have you ever encountered a file with a vague or confusing name, making it nearly impossible to understand its purpose? In other words, ever come across a file with a vague name like “Untitled” or “Final Version 2”? I’m not throwing any stones; we’ve all been there. 

But here's the problem: poorly named and saved content is a common issue that often results in content getting lost in the abyss of your digital storage. It becomes a needle in a haystack, buried under layers of forgotten files. Your valuable content may never see the light of day without a clear and consistent naming convention. It's time to put an end to the frustration and establish a simple naming and saving convention that works for you.

Develop a standardized naming convention for your content files. Incorporate relevant details like date, topic, and version number. This practice ensures clarity, makes searching easier, and prevents content from getting lost in the depths of your digital archives.

For instance, “Blog_Post_Title_MMDDYY” or “Social_Media_Graphics_CampaignName_Version1.” 

Consistency is key here, enabling you and others to quickly identify and comprehend the content's purpose without any guesswork. If this feels overwhelming, create a cheat sheet.

What’s great about a cheatsheet, when you bring on your first VA, they will understand the naming conventions for your files. Episode 3 covers file naming; listen to that if this is a pain point for your business. 


The Importance of Starting Early:

You might be wondering why you should establish a management content system before hiring a virtual assistant. The answer is simple: it sets you up for success.

By organizing your content early on, you'll develop efficient habits and processes. When the time comes to delegate tasks to a virtual assistant, you'll be ready to seamlessly hand over your well-structured system. Starting early prevents overwhelm and ensures a smooth transition as your business grows.

Once you have a simple content management system in place, onboarding a virtual assistant becomes a breeze. With organized folders, clear filenames, and a centralized content repository, you can easily share access to specific folders or files with your assistant. This ensures they have everything they need to support you efficiently without getting lost in the content maze.


Good-Bye to the Struggle

Entrepreneurs, it's time to take control of your content!  Managing your content doesn't have to be a daunting task, even if you haven't been the most organized business owner in the past. A management content system is your ticket to organization, efficiency, and maximizing the value of your creations. 

By recognizing the challenges of unorganized content, addressing the risks of poorly named and saved files, and implementing three simple tips for content management, you can create an efficient system that brings order to your business. Start small, develop consistency, and enjoy the benefits of a streamlined content management process. With a simple content system in place, you'll be better equipped to collaborate, repurpose content, and maximize your business's potential. 

Say goodbye to the struggles of unorganized content and the risks of burying your work. Embrace the simplicity of a Google Sheets and Google Drive system, establishing file structures, tracking your assets, and implementing a consistent naming convention. Start now, even before hiring your first virtual assistant, and pave the way for a successful and streamlined content journey. Your online business will thank you.