Do you know what makes you happy? If asked would you be able to list off all the things that make you feel peaceful and at ease? Do you know what is important to you? What most people don’t realize is that defining your priorities is a key to the thought of being less busy.
Do you know what makes you happy?
While we think that happiness can only be achieved when we have reached a goal or we have (insert the big shiny object you’re longing for). When really we only need to stay in the present moment and begin to figure out what brings us happiness.
I finally understood that happiness is found every day when I look for it.
In a similar fashion to when you purchase a new vehicle and start to see that vehicle everywhere you look. It’s because it’s now in your consciousness. Our minds begin to pay attention and we will see that vehicle everywhere we turn.
Here’s the secret, if you want to feel happier in your life. Start to pay attention to the little moments of happiness that you have throughout your day.
Here are a few examples for me, it’s the vivid colors of the sunrise and sunset. Starting my day quietly read scripture to hear God speak to me. The very first sip of coffee in the morning, feeling the warm mug in my hands and that yummy coffee smell. The look of excitement on my clients’ faces when they have a breakthrough. Case in point, even bringing those thoughts into my mind brings a smile to my face.
Do you know what is important to you?
Have you investigated your thoughts on what you consider to be your priorities? What do you feel in your heart of hearts is important to you? When my clients do know the answer to what is important and a priority to them, I encourage them to spend time in their journals.
Here is the journaling prompt for you: If I did know what is important to me what would they be?
You hold the key to stop being so busy.
You guessed it, that comes down to defining your priorities. What do you truly want to give your time to?
Why is defining your priorities a key to feeling less busy? If you know where your true priorities are and you say yes to those over areas you consider to have a lower priority you’ll be consciously spending time in areas that fill you with joy.
Let me ask, can you remember a time when you felt totally at ease? Can you remember a specific time? As you go back to that time now, go right back to that time, float down into your body and see what you saw, hear what you heard, and really feel the feelings of feeling totally at ease?
What were you doing? Is this important to you? If it’s not, why? You see my point right? If you felt totally at ease why are you consciously not spending time here?
![Image-Pin-[Blog-22] 09-Important To You Important To You](
Busy Badge
Do you love your busy badge so much? What thoughts do you have around being busy? Lastly, does it build you up in some way?
Be that as it may, do you wonder what it would be like to not feel busy all the time?
Do a mind sweep on what is important to you. What are your priorities? Then put them in order.
You want to fill your time with what fills you up.
Are your top priorities causing busyness and stress?
Let me ask, what are your thoughts on that priority? Why is that? The solution is simple, figure out how you can shift your thinking to be in alignment with the priority.
It all boils down to this our perception is our reality, and we can change that if we choose.
Here is an article on well+good as an additional resource.
Most important, life is all about how we perceive it. Here's what I mean we perceive life based on our experiences.
Some are good, like do not touch a hot stove. On the other hand, we hold on to thoughts that keep us stuck in the mindset of busyness and overwhelm.
It starts in our thoughts, with the willingness to see things differently. You guessed it to get out of our own heads and be willing to step outside our comfort zone.
I know you’re ready to throw away your busy badge and begin to see your life from a new perspective. Is this something you’d like for your life? Below is the link to my private coaching application.
Little Side Note
Above all be kind to yourself. All good things start with self-compassion and self-love.
✁ Just a Snippet
Here is just a snippet of the important points, you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪
- Defining your priorities I feel is a key to the thought of less busy.
- Do you know what makes you happy?
- Have you investigated your thoughts on what you consider to be your priorities?
- You hold the key to stop being so busy. That comes down to defining your priorities. What do you truly want gets your time.
- Journal on this, if you did know your priorities what would they be?
- Why is defining your priorities a key to feeling less busy? If you know what truly is important to you and you say yes to those over areas you consider to have a lower priority you’ll be consciously spending time in areas that fill you with joy.
- Above all be kind to yourself. All good things start with self-compassion and self-love.
- Did you miss last week? Here is the link.