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Are you about to reach six figures or have you crossed the six-figure mark and now find yourself struggling to implement the next big ideas? Coming up with the next big ideas for your business is not your bottleneck. Nope, it is taking action to implement your next big business idea. If this is you, you're not alone, and actually, you're in good company with a ton of online entrepreneurs. If you’re struggling to scale in your business it may be time to build a team of action takers to implement your next big idea.

Hello. If we haven't met before, my name is Michele and I am a life and success coach utilizing my experience as a certified online business manager to help female entrepreneurs achieve their goals, their visions, and their dreams, so they can live a good life and actually have time to enjoy it.


Are you the bottleneck in your business when it comes to taking action and implementation of your next ideas, you’re not alone? Entrepreneurs tend to be visionaries. Your minds come up with all kinds of amazing ideas. That’s not the problem.

If you are an entrepreneur that has grown to six figures in your online business the problem is not coming up with the next idea. That’s easy! The hard part and where I see so many online entrepreneurs struggle and be the bottleneck in scaling their business.

It’s all used up

Your determination to bring to life your dream was bigger than your limitations.

Even though taking action and implementation is not one of your greatest strengths you did it anyway because you were driven and determined to bring your idea to life. Now, you find your determination has been all used up with your first big idea.

Struggling To Implement Ideas?

What happens when the determination begins to fade?

I know what you’re wondering, what happens when the determination begins to fade. What are your next steps? How do you overcome this?

At the beginning of your business, it was great. Each day you sat at your desk determined to build your business, the good life you craved. But, now you’re all tangled up in the day-to-day operations.

The very thought of having to run the business and bring a new idea to life has zero appeal to you.

Do you have this common problem?

There is a very common problem that I hear from far too many business owners. They have a six-figure offer that is one-and-done. Let me clarify what is a one-and-done offer. Your customer buys from you one time because you have nothing else they can buy from you.

Instead of building a team, you spend your time on the hamster wheel of selling your one-and-done offer. Stay with me now, what if you brought on a team to help you build your next idea that could bring in recurring revenue from your current customers? This would get you off the hamster wheel of having to constantly sell in order to grow your business.

Either Way

You’ve lost the dream of why you started the business because implementation and action-taking are really not in your wheelhouse.

Now you’re stuck. You’re stuck in managing the offer, the business, the selling, and all the crap you no longer want to do in the business.

Really, in order to grow your business, you need to step out of the doing and focus on the big picture goals you have for your business. That is something only YOU can do.

If implementation and action-taking is a limitation of yours it may be time to build a team of action takers.

Don’t you wish you could get out of your own way and onto the growth path?

Is that something you’d like for your business?

As an online business manager with a team of project managers, this is where we tend to step into a business.

Our clients have built a solid foundation, but they are done with the day-to-day management and operations of the business. They’ve reached the point of burnout and exhaustion. They have created and implemented an offer that is launched and profitable. They have hit a ceiling and are not able to grow and scale.

They have been burning the candle at both ends with running a business and a family.

And, just can not do it any longer.


Little Side Note

Are you ready to get out of the day-to-day operations of your business? 

Fill out an inquiry today! 

✁ Just a Snippet

Here is just a snippet of the important points, you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪

  • Coming up with the next big ideas for your business is not your bottleneck. Nope, it is taking action to implement your next big business idea.
  • If you’re struggling to scale in your business it may be time to build a team of action takers to implement your next big idea.
  • Entrepreneurs tend to be visionaries. Your minds come up with all kinds of amazing ideas. That’s not the problem.
  • Even though taking action and implementation is not one of your greatest strengths you did it anyway because you were driven and determined to bring your idea to life.
  • Now, you find your determination has been all used up with your first big idea.
  • Each day you sat at your desk determined to build your business, the good life you craved.
  • But, now you’re all tangled up in the day-to-day operations.
  • Instead of building a team, you spend your time on the hamster wheel of selling your one-and-done offer.
  • Now you’re stuck. You’re stuck in managing the offer, the business, the selling, and all the crap you no longer want to do in the business.
  • As an online business manager with a team of project managers, this is where we tend to step into a business.

Private Coaching

Why do I believe in the power of private coaching?

Because it is truly life-changing. When your coach asks you that mind-blowing question that suddenly allows you to see what you've been missing all along that was literally right in front of your face.

You just need someone with a different perspective to help you see it.

Are you ready to experience life from a different perspective?