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Let me ask have you found yourself in the thick of it all, without one extra minute, wondering what content you can create to get more eyeballs on your website? Next thing you know, you’re going down a rabbit hole researching how to increase traffic for my website. 

Aww, if this is you, Friend, I have one simple tip you can implement into your content calendar to do just that! Are you ready? This one simple tip is to rewrite and republish your old content on your website! Everything needs a refresh now and then, am I right?


You may feel overwhelmed and exhausted by the constant churn of content creation. Not only that but depending on when you’re reading this, it’s the season of no time. Not one extra minute! All the minutes that you previously had for creating amazing content that generates traffic to your website have been swallowed up by keeping your kids entertained while schools are out for summer. You know what I mean, right? I have been there and done that; I get it!

If this is you sweet friend, this too will pass, although from a soon-to-be empty nester, I encourage you to relish every minute. My heart would love to be back in the thick of summer kid entertainment and activities. 

What you need is a quick and simple way to get more eyeballs on your content to drive traffic to your website that can be done in minimal time. How do you do that? As I alluded to earlier, it is by updating, rewriting, and then republishing your old content.  

Why You Need to Rewrite and Republish Your Old Blog Posts

If you’re on the fence about whether this will work, yes, it does! Numbers tell a story, and I’d like to share with you a recent experience one of my clients had. In the content calendar, I’d peppered in old blog posts to rewrite and republish. 

One thing we do weekly when we meet with the SEO and Conversion Manager is look at the path that visitors take on the website. Kind of like social media, you want them to stay on your website, getting to know about you and your online business. I was curious about the traffic that was coming in from a recent blog post that I rewrote and republished a few weeks ago. Numbers do not lie, and they will tell you where to spend your time. 

First, we looked at the traffic from the date the blog was republished until the current date. It was getting decent traffic, but the wow factor, the visitors, on average, clicked through eight pages on the website. 

I was curious as to the amount of traffic this post was getting prior to the content refresh. We ran the same report going back two years until the day before the post was republished. 

Let Me Say We Were Blown Away

The number of visitors to that blog doubled compared to the previous two years. Do you see how amazing that is? The numbers in two weeks doubled the amount of traffic that they had in two years. Not only that, before the post was rewritten, visitors clicked through to only one page after the post and left the website. 

We were totally geeking out over this information. That’s the proof that it works. This is the perfect solution to how to increase traffic for my website

Now That is How To Increase Traffic for My Website

By refreshing the content and images, it renews the energy and gives it new life.

I do the same thing to increase traffic for my website. Oh my goodness, how much I’ve grown and evolved over the last seven years with my content is groundbreaking. I’ve gone from throwing up content to really getting into the art and science of how organic content works to increase traffic for my website, in the end, drives conversions. 

Even though I’m a past sale rep, for some reason, I get weirded out selling my own services. I need to remind myself In order to have a business and not a hobby; I need to have conversions. Our website is the tool we need to find the people that we connect with, and your content is what does that. 

How Can You Do This


Go back to your old content and make it relevant again. If you’re anything like me, what I did back in the day is not what I’m doing now. 

Enhance those posts to keep them in line with your current services or products. 


A Word Of Caution

Do not change the URL! Only update the content. Changing the URL is an SEO no, no, for sure. 

Make it simple by using the SEO plugin Yoast. They have the feature to rewrite and republish an old blog post. It’s pretty slick and easy to use. It allows you to rewrite and schedule the post to go live instead of having to move it to draft mode to be published on your content's go-live date. 

Am I saying that right? For example, my weekly content goes live on Wednesdays for my blog post and podcast. When is the day that you release new or refreshed content? 

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I Don’t Know About You, But I’m Ready To Wrap This Up

One thing we know for sure is that nothing stays the same; you are constantly evolving as a business owner. Rewriting and republishing previously published blog posts is a quick and easy way to get content out the door without the stress of starting from scratch. It is clear from the remarkable results we have seen that this strategy holds great potential.

We were blown away by how refreshing old content has the ability to unlock new opportunities; not only doubled its traffic within two weeks but also experienced an astonishing shift in user engagement and lead generation. Oh my goodness, I think I failed to mention earlier in addition to increased traffic to the website, that engagement created two new leads into the business by filling out an application to work with them. That type of result is mind-blowing. Take advantage of repurposing your content and watch it go farther than you ever imagined. What old content will you make new again?

Thank you so much for reading, I appreciate you, and I hope you have a wonderful week.