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Let me ask do you find yourself scrambling to get all the action items and next steps done when it comes to a digital product launch? Well, you need to cancel your membership to the last-minute club, stop running around like a headless chicken and create a plan to allow for your smooth next digital product launch. Heck, maybe you’re a new online entrepreneur who has no clue and is wondering how you prepare for and launch a digital product. Make sure to grab the free digital product launch checklist!

Launching is a key part of your business as a blogger and online entrepreneur. If you’re ready to reduce the stress of your next launch, it’s time to create a launch plan.

Grab your favorite pen and notebook, and let’s prepare to launch a digital product.

Yup, a checklist will make your digital product launch easy.

It’s funny; anytime I start creating a plan, I begin the process by stating out loud, “Let this be easy.” Here’s the interesting thing: I can’t explain why, but the plan comes together quickly and easily when I do this.

One other quick tip, do this during your power hours. You know the hours in the day when you have the most creative juices and clear thinking.

A good digital product launch always keeps your dream client in mind.

Here’s the big secret, a good digital product launch must solve a problem for your dream client. In addition, it must address a problem for which they are actively looking for a solution.

Let me guess; you’ve heard it a million times. But have you actually really sat down to figure it out? Here’s my true confession, this is one that I kinda didn’t do when I started my online business.

The thought of narrowing down my focus was hard for me. One of my top five strengths in the strength finder is Includer. It feels very off to me to exclude people from anything. Hey, I still struggle with this.

In order to have a smooth and successful digital product launch, you need to understand the problem that your digital product is solving. If you do not feel and understand your client's pain, they will not know that you have the solution they have been praying for.

Get crystal clear on the solution your ideal client is praying for.

A new digital product launch requires a goal.

Undeniably when you launch a digital product, you must have a goal that you’re working to achieve. Set one big overall goal, such as the number of new enrollments or a revenue number. What do you want to achieve with your launch? In addition, set good, better, and best goals.

It’s okay to launch a product more than once.

Often time online entrepreneurs will launch a product once, and if it doesn’t go well, they will abandon the product and start something new. Be that as it may, I want to encourage you to try, try, and try again.

For one thing, it may be that you didn’t have your sales page copy clear about how your new product offer solves the problem for your dream client.

Being that, tweak one thing and try again. For those in the back, tweak only one thing at a time.

Future Product Launch

When thinking about it, consider what will happen after the launch.

A lot of stress and work goes into a repeated launch model in your business. You must consider how often you’d like to launch your digital product.

If you’re launching a new membership, will you always have your membership open to enroll?

Or will you have an open and close cart for your membership enrollment at specific times during the year?

With the launch of a new membership product, you may want to leave this open and let this be the thing you’re promoting on social media.

Additionally, set a target number of members; once you hit that number, your membership will go from always open to a waiting list for new enrollment periods.

Same with a new course, will this be evergreen after the launch, or will the doors be closed for a set amount of time?

How to prepare for a Digital Product Launch for Bloggers Launching A New Digital Product

Set the budget for your new digital product launch

Now, this is important launches are a numbers game. When you launch a new product, it’s necessary to have a warm audience. This warm audience will be from your email list and possibly social media.

If you want to bump up your warm audience, you will likely invest in ads before or during your pre-launch stage.

What is your total monthly budget for ads?

Will you need to hire a contractor to run ads for you?

What platforms will you run ads on? Where does your ideal client go to look for solutions? Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook?

How do you prepare to launch a digital product?

With a Launch Checklist.
The digital product launch checklist begins with all the big milestones that need to take place to create a smooth and stress-free launch.

Start with the end in mind and your goal. Will they be joining a course, membership, or 1:1 Service?

Think of all the big milestones that they will need to go past before they get to the end goal of your launch. Think of all the things they need to happen.

After the launch, will it be cart closed and a waitlist? With it be an evergreen course?

How to prepare for a Digital Product Launch for Bloggers Launching A New Digital Product

Create a detailed plan

This is where you decide the who, what, how, and when. If you’re anything like so many of my project management clients, they want the list of all the items that must be done.

Here you go, download the digital product launch checklist.

Simple Digital Product Checklist

Scrambling at the end is zero fun. Here is a simple digital product launch checklist to help you avoid that.

Free Digital Product Launch Checklist for Bloggers Launching A New Digital Product