Are you having trouble reaching your goals? Do you feel stuck? It could be that you're holding yourself back by believing things that aren't true. Many want our lives to change, but we don’t know how to do anything about it. If you’re like so many, you assume that once your life changes, you'll change. You think once I feel happier and more confident, then my life will change. What if the opposite is true? What if you change your belief in yourself to change your life?

How you think it can change your life.

You might believe that once things change, this will change your life. How you change your thinking and belief in yourself is how you change your life.

It may seem crazy to say that by acting the way you want to, you’ll end up feeling that way, and then your life will change too! If you’re not a believer in the law of attraction, this is perhaps a complex concept to grasp.

How it Works

Do you want to be more successful? The first simple step is changing your belief and acting like you’re already successful.

If you’re not sure how to do this? Can you remember a time when you felt successful? Can you remember a specific time? Step into your body, see what you saw, hear what you heard, and feel the feelings of being successful!

How are you acting? Are you standing taller? Do you feel confident? How did people treat you when you were successful? Is it easier to believe in yourself and your success when you reflect on a time when you were successful.

When you’re struggling to believe in yourself, step back into the past and remember a time when you believed in yourself. That will help you change your beliefs, which will change your life.

One way to change your beliefs to change your life is to simply remember when you were successful in the past. Use those thoughts and feelings; once you do, people will start treating you as more successful, leading to more opportunities.

Start with the End in Mind

Another way to change your life is to think about where you want to be and what you want to accomplish.

Go ahead and think about what you want to accomplish; how will you know that you’ve achieved this goal?

Do you feel differently? How do you think differently?

Do you look different? What looks different about you?

Are you acting differently? How are you acting?

What do you need to do to create this outcome? Another way to change your beliefs and change your life is to start with the end in mind and work backward until you have a plan to accomplish your goal.

Focus on the Positive

It’s easy to focus on the negative aspects of life. People often say things like ”I am too old to do this” or “I am not good enough.” Negative statements like these are very common when you talk about your own life. However, focusing on the positive is much more effective.

Besides, do you like to hang out with a Debbie Downer? I think not.

If you struggle to believe in yourself, think of all the positive aspects of yourself. Not able to come up with any, not one? Really. Ask your friends and family what they love about you. I’m confident that they will be able to give you at least one positive thing that they love about you.

A third way to change your belief in yourself is to focus on your life's beautiful positive aspects.

Be Realistic

If you believe you cannot succeed at something, you will never try. If you do, it will be with little effort because you are scared to fail.

Stop getting caught up in what could go wrong. Instead, focus on what could go right, what you can do today to change your life. Start small by making one simple small goal. Then make another small goal. Keep going until you reach your ultimate goal.

Think of it this way; if you plan a trip to drive across the country, you will not get it done in one day. You will need to make a plan to get there and while you’re at it, plan for a few detours. Those detours will show you things you didn’t even know where around.

It is the same for your life; focus on one small change you can make today. Figure out what comes up for you; just like unexpected detours on your road trip, they are there to show you what you didn’t know existed in your beliefs. Remember when detours happen, redirect you in the right direction.

A fourth way to change your life is to focus on what could go right.

7 Ways To Change Your Beliefs About Yourself And Your Life

Don’t Compare Yourself to Others.

There are two ways to think about yourself. One way is to compare yourself to others. This is called “comparison thinking.” It leads to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. Another way to think about yourself is to focus on what you can accomplish today. This is called ‘achievement thinking.’ It leads to feelings of confidence and optimism.

The fifth way to change your beliefs to change your life is with achievement thinking, what can you accomplish today to move your life forward.

Discover Why You Beleive What You Believe

If you want to change your beliefs about yourself, you must first understand where those beliefs come from. What do you believe about yourself? How did you learn these beliefs? Why do you hold them? What you think about yourself may be challenging to untangle.

When you have thoughts like “I am too old.” or “I am not smart enough.” begin to question that thought. Say to yourself, that’s interesting. Where did that belief come from?

Thank yourself for keeping you safe in the past with that belief, and you’re ready to release it now. Then shake it off like an Etch-A-Sketch.

Once you answer these questions, you can begin to change your beliefs.

The sixth way to change your beliefs to change your life is to figure out your old belief patterns and give yourself permission to release them.

Say You Can

Want to be more successful? Start acting like you're already successful. Want to do better at work? Believe you can. Want to be smarter? Act smarter.

This is closely related to what are known as ‘self-fulfilling prophecies'. These are situations where you actually change your behavior in line with your beliefs.

A great example is what's known as a ‘scotoma' or a ‘blind spot'.

Have you ever lost your phone or maybe your car keys and searched for it for hours only to have a friend come up and find it in seconds? That's a scotoma in action; you have convinced yourself that the item is lost and this belief literally prevents you from finding that item.

The same can happen in your life. If you tell yourself you're a failure, then your unconscious mind will sabotage your success in those areas. To be as successful as you can be in any capacity, you need to eliminate doubt.

For example, if you believe you are no good at running a business, you might find yourself hiding and not putting yourself out there for prospective customers to find you.

As a result, you will get frustrated. You’ll wonder why others have success after only a short time of running a business while you’re still struggling to make ends meet.

If you don’t believe in yourself and your abilities, how can you expect others to believe in you?

To break the cycle, say you can start by acting as if you believe in yourself. That means dressing better, taking risks, and being more assertive. You’ll find you attract more positive attention and that this can lead to better results and even improve the way you think about yourself.

A final way to change your beliefs and life, of course, the best solution is the obvious solution that is easily overlooked, say you can and believe in yourself.


Little Side Note

Book Recommendation: Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahnerman

Book Recommendation: Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
Bonus: If you’re an Amazon Prime member, you can read this book for FREE! Here’s the Amazon link. 

Recap the 7 Ways To Change Your Beliefs About Yourself and Your Success

  1. Remember when you were successful in the past use those thoughts and feelings to tap into your future self.
  2. Start with the end in mind and work backward until you know all the steps. Create a plan with those steps to accomplish your goal.
  3. Concentrate on the positive aspects of your life.
  4. Focus on what could go right.
  5. Embrace achievement thinking
  6. Give yourself permission to release your old belief patterns.
  7. Say you can and believe in yourself.

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