Quarterly Project Plan For Your Online Business
Quarterly Project Plan for Your Online Business
This is a great time to begin your Quarterly Project Plan for your online business. I’m not talking about a huge extensive plan, just getting your projects laid out for the next quarter. What is the best use of your time and energy?
A Little Side Note
If you’re planning a large launch to take place in the next quarter and you know all focus needs to go into this. This would be your only project for the quarter.
Let Me Guide You Through A Quarterly Project Plan…
Brainstorm an exhausted list of all the projects that you want to accomplish in the next three months. When I say exhausted, I mean braindump all the ideas and information from your head on the list. No project is too small or simple for the list. Write down everything that pops into your head, no judgment.
Get out your pen and paper and get the projects out on paper. I like to highlight, cross off and of course color code.
With your brainstorm list, figure out which projects are aligned with the vision and mission of your online business. Cross off any that is unaligned or feels heavy in your business.
Circle all the projects that are aligned with your online business and rank each of the tasks by importance or if they have an outside commitment. An example of an outside commitment to someone else to be a guest on their podcast. This will aid in where you need to start.
Now on to Quarterly Project Plan for your online business
From your list above what did you circle as projects to work on for the upcoming quarter?
If you have a project management system you can set this all up inside so you know what to do when. If not, a paper calendar or Bullet Journal will work just fine.
At the top, write out your online business mission, vision, and goals for the upcoming quarter. Under this break it into three columns. One for each project.
Looking at your list if you had to pick just one project what would it be?
Start with that one.
Under the Project Header
Now we are going to put in all the tasks that need to be completed by who and when. Will you need any resources, such as a new software application, to complete the task?
Not all the tasks must be completed by you. It’s very important that you stay in your lane and delegate out the tasks that can be done by someone else.
Quarterly Project Plan for Your Online Business
Would you like assistance?
Download the planning checklist! The checklist will walk you through the items to begin planning your next 90 Days.
Stop believing that old story that you're not someone that likes to plan.
Do you have a recurring pattern of starting and stopping when you feel unsure, frustrated, and incapable of doing the things you want to do?
90-Day Plans Are Important Because:
You figure out beforehand what needs to be done. No more deciding as you go.
You confidently step into the leader and CEO of your business.
It creates a clear plan, vision, and goals for your business. No more second-guessing yourself.
Download The Planning Workbook Today!