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Michele, Miss Task CEO Finding Your Passion

There comes a point in everyone's life when they feel the intense urge to find their passion, their true calling. You know that feeling, I was made for more. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to see, and many of us become frustrated because we aren't where we genuinely want to be in our lives. That’s why you’ll hear me repeatedly say that it’s hard to read the label from inside the bottle. If you feel frustrated by not being able to find your passion, here are seven useful tips to help you figure out your passion. 

Figure Out Your Passion When You Do Many Things

While it may feel a bit overwhelming to have a lot of interests, it is one of the most essential steps to figuring out your passion.

In the long run, it is much better to have a lot of options and interests than none at all.
First, list everything you are interested in; what do you love to do? Next, narrow it down to a couple, and focus on those two.

Now, this is important if you realize it’s not what you love, scratch it off the list and move on. Don’t get stuck because you feel that you’ve invested too much to let it go.

Stay True to Yourself To Find Your Passion

Now, this is important, so it is worth repeating. Stop doing what you hate just because you’ve already invested time and money into the pursuit. I know that I’ve fallen into this trap.

Here’s why that’s important, the secret to getting unstuck is to take the steps toward doing what you love.

Don’t feel you have to be confined to a box and stop worrying about being defined by a single thing.

You’ll never figure out your passion with a fixed mindset. Instead, embrace a growth mindset, take on the challenge head-on and use those learning as a redirection to finding your passion.

Focus On Yourself As A Step To Figure Out Your Passion

The problem is you can’t continue to compare your beginnings to someone else’s middle.

Here’s the main issue: you will never find your true passion in life if you are always watching and comparing your journey to those around you.

God put you here for your own unique journey. While it may be similar, we all go through trials to get us to where we are.

Focus on yourself and where you are in your journey, and stop worrying about everyone else around you. I get it, it’s hard not to compare yourself, and that comparison will not get you anywhere.

”Comparison is the thief of joy.” – said Theodore Roosevelt.

Pay Attention to What You Read Is A Clue To Finding Your Passion

Now, I know what you think; why would I pay attention to what I read as a clue to figure out my passion?

Generally, we read about things that pique our interest. If you’re continuing to read a certain subject, you’re more than likely because you love that topic and want to know more about that subject.

Even more, if you’re an action taker, you’re potentially implementing your new learning. A little trial and error is a great way to figure out your true passion.

In addition, it will help you to narrow down what you easily pick up on. When finding your passion, you’ll want it to fall into your Zone of Genius.

If you want to learn more about how to find your zone of genius, I recommend that you read the book The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

Michele Duwe, Miss Task Find Your Passion

Let Go of Fear is key to Figure Out Your Passion.

You don’t want to miss this next part; fear will undoubtedly convince you to pass up opportunities because you can’t see past taking the first step.

For you to find your passion, you will need to make big leaps of faith. Let go of that fear and dive in head first.

You’ll need to let go of the fear of failure and use that as feedback to redirect yourself. In the world of NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming), there is never failure, only feedback.

Put your fears aside, tap into your future self that has already overcome your fears, and take that first step. Remember that this was put on your heart for a reason, and it’s up to you to take action to make it your reality.

Be Still to Find Your Passion

As a result of all the ideas, thoughts, and emotions swarming through our minds, we become frustrated when we can't seem to figure out our true passion.

Sometimes, we just need to do nothing to realize that what we are passionate about has been in front of us the entire time.

How do you quiet your mind? Do you like to head outside for a walk and let your imagination wander? Or maybe you like to sit and daydream about your future. Possibly you have a love for journaling. All of these are perfect for tapping into yourself to figure out your passion.

Forget About the Money When Finding Your True Passion

It’s funny how much money will keep us doing things that we are not passionate about. We worry that we will not have enough to live. When you begin to find your true passion, you’ll discover that the need for stuff is not as important. It tends to shift your focus from self to the desire to serve others.

Yes, you do need to make money to support your lifestyle. However, money shouldn't be the determining factor in what you do with your life.

When you bring money into the equation, you will always do something you're not passionate about. I did this for far too many years.

When you are genuinely passionate about something, you'll figure out how to make a living.

Quote: ”Comparison is the thief of joy.” – said Theodore Roosevelt.

Let’s Recap the 7 Tips for Finding Your True Passion in Life

  1. Try out many different things that you think interest you, and drop the ones that do not interest you.
  2. Embrace a growth mindset and stay true to your own unique interests.
  3. Stop comparing yourself to others and focus on yourself. Stay in your own lane.
  4. What do you choose to read in your free time? If you’re continuing to read a certain subject, you’re more than likely because you love that topic and want to know more about that subject.
  5. Fear will keep you stuck.
  6. Quiet all the chatter in your mind and be still.
  7. As the saying goes, money does not buy happiness.

Finding your true passion in life will take time. Once you tap into what brings you joy and happiness, you’ll find your true passion. Now that you have these seven tips, you will find your passion before you know it.