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Why your online business needs a clear offer

Are you not making enough money in your at-home business? It could be because you do not have a clear offer on how you help your prospective clients.
Miss Task Blog- A Clear Offer for your at home business to make money
Do you feel like you’re spinning your wheels, burnt out from all the content creation, and honestly can say you’re getting paid pennies per hour? Okay, maybe it's more like volunteer work. If I ask you, with your “business,” what is the end of the funnel? In other words, what can your prospective clients buy from you? What would you tell me? Do you have a clear offer or a way to make money as a business owner? Do you have an end in mind that equals dollar signs for your online business? If your answer is nothing, it’s time to start with the end in mind. This is why your online business needs a clear offer.

What I consider an offer

Now I know what you are thinking, friend; what’s an offer?

For the most part, it’s pretty simple. How are you offering to help your prospective clients?

What problem have you already put your blood, sweat, and tears into trying to figure out?

How did you solve the problem for yourself? What is your solution?

I’m guessing that if you struggle through a problem, you’re not alone; someone else out there is a few steps behind you and is looking for the solution you’ve already found.

How can you help to lessen the struggle with your offer?

What great solutions have you discovered along your journey?

What are you currently doing well?

Do you have something that you’re currently doing really well?

Maybe you’re missing it.

Now, this is important; what you’re offering to help with must be something that lights you up. When working one-on-one with a client, I look for the light up; that’s when I know we’ve hit a sweet spot.

Here are a few questions I want you to journal on or answer for yourself if you’re struggling to come up with a paid offer for your online business.


  • I want you to think of a time that you were out and about doing something that brought you joy. What were you doing?
  • Now, think about what you’d do if you had an event canceled; suddenly, you have four plus hours to yourself. What would you do? How would you spend your time?
  • Even more, what do people seek you out for help with? For instance, do you find you’re always giving this same advice?

Do these questions help to provide you with a bit of clarity?

The trick is to find anything that intersects with what you love and a problem you’ve solved for yourself.

Is this a clear offer for your online business? Is this a product you can sell to your ideal or prospective clients?


Do you dream about having something more in life and struggle with believing it’s possible and could happen for you? I get it; running a business and figuring out all the actions that need to be taken is a challenge alone.

If that’s not enough, add all the self-limiting beliefs and doubt. It is no wonder so many people throw in the towel when it comes to an online business and the dream of entrepreneurship.

If it were easy, everyone would start an online business.

Start With the End In Mind

If you’d like to attract clients to your online business, it starts with creating a product offer that your ideal client is actively looking for a solution to a problem they are trying to solve.

Your solutions must be quick and efficient. Make sure your product offer cuts down on the time it would take them to piece together a solution with Google.
Now is the perfect opportunity to get out your journal again. If you did know what the ideal offer was for your online business, what would it be?
Are you creating online courses? Do you love to create digital products such as workbooks or planners? Or perhaps you’re hoping to provide a one-on-one service?
When you started your entrepreneurial dream, I'm guessing you had an idea for your potential product offering.
For example, I had told Shannon, my husband, that if something happened to my sales job, I would work as a virtual assistant. It started with an idea of what I could do to earn money to support my family.
What is the idea that you have?

With your end product offer, walk backward through the customer journey. Will you have a mini offer they can purchase before your big offer? What is your free offer to have them sign up for your email list? I promise email is not dead; I read my email every day.

The solution is simple, figure out one thing that you’re good at and become a master at that. Let that be your paid online product offer.

Find Balance Free Workbook
The answer is simple.

The offer is a product or service that you will sell to your dream clients to help them solve a problem they are experiencing.

Stop before you create anything.

Once you have a clear idea of what you want to offer and how to offer it, look to see what others have created, not copy them! No, you want your offer to be different to make it your own with your unique style and flair.

Creating a product offer that is actively sought after to get more clients for your online business is essential. If you create an offer that not anyone is looking for, you’ll have big issues.

Now, this is important; it is okay to sell it before you create it. Do a prelaunch, and validate that people will buy it with a few founding members who will be happy to help you make an amazing product offer to solve their problems.

Quick Recap

Here’s how it works, figure out one thing that you love to do and what people seek your knowledge for.
Hey, if you’re not able to come up with anyone on your own, no problem, ask your family and friends what they view your strengths are.

Pay attention to what you chat about with your friends. These things are all clues to a product offer for your online business.

Know Your Numbers

A key to business success is understanding your profit.

Download this Google Worksheet to start tracking your income and expenses!

Know when you are profitable in your business.

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